Student Administration
ALL Students:
- ERC Institute Programme Application Form
- Form 12 - Advisory Note to Students
- ERAU Student Contract Version 3.1
- ERCI Student Contract Version 3.1
- ICA Solar+ Application e-Form 16A for Student Pass*
- ICA Form 14*
- ICA Form v36*
Administrative Forms:
- ERCI Personal Details Form
- Appeals / Examination Feedback Form
- ERCI Course Transfer Form
- ERCI Course Deferment Form
- ERCI Course Withdrawal Form
- ERCI Refund Request Form
- ERCI Student Pass Cancellation Form
*only applicable for international students
Students are required to submit a hardcopy of their assignments via the Assignment Drop Box(Located at Level 6). Students are expected to submit the assignment by the dateline indicated on the course outline. Extensions may be granted under extenuating circumstances. (Eg: Death of a family member, severe accidents or illness requiring hospitalization etc.)There will be a 5% deduction for any late submission per day.
Submission Methods
Marked assignments are confidential and it is ERCI’s policy not to reveal the grades of its students to any third party.
All assignments have to be submitted in hard copy and dropped into the Assignment Drop Box unless otherwise specified in the Course Outline.
- Participants are required to submit 1 hardcopy and 1 softcopy of their assignment.
- Participants handing in assignments are to fill up 2 copies of the Assignment Cover Sheets (Appendix 1). All assignments are to be submitted to the school by 7.00pm of the given assignment submission date.
- Participants are expected to keep a duplicate copy of their assignment(s).
Administrative forms are available and placed beside the assignment drop box. All forms completed and signed must be returned to the office indicated on the form. To avoid delay in processing your application, please ensure that you have read the instructions on the form carefully and include any other required information.
ERCI believes that attendance is very important if you, as a student, are to fully benefit from the course you are undertaking. Various articles published in reputable journals indicate that the most important time students can commit to their studies is the time spent in class. One specific article by Park & Kerr (1990) cited by Minnesota State University further indicates that “regular class attendance can aid significantly by acting as an insurance policy in avoiding a [Pass] or [a Fail] grade in a given class.” (Minnesota State University, 2010).
As such, ERCI requires that all students meet a minimum attendance requirement in order to qualify for the sitting of examinations. International Students holding a Student Visa will need to meet a minimum class attendance of 90%, while Local Students not requiring a Student Visa will have to meet a minimum class attendance of 75%. Students who fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement will be barred from taking their semester examinations.
Furthermore, students who happen to fail a paper for ERCI’s Certificate and Advanced Diploma Programmes will only be allowed a supplementary paper if all the following conditions are met:
- Achieved a minimum class attendance of 90%; and
- Achieved total marks of at least 40/100; and
- Must have submitted all required assessments & coursework.
Students should note that only Medical Certificates will be accepted as proof for absenteeism. All other documents submitted will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In particular, Student Pass holders with documents other than Medical Certificates must ensure that those documents are accompanied with written justifications acceptable to ICA.
Appeals Policy
The window for all appeals, for ERCI’s Certificate and Advanced Diploma Programmes, is open, for a period of two weeks, from the date of the release of the final results. Students who wish to appeal upon receiving the final results should fill up an Appeals / Feedback Examination Form and submit them to their respective Programme Managers. Any late request or any other appeals outside the appeals window will not be processed.
There will be a fee of S$50.00 (exclusive of GST) payable, upon submission of an appeal. The fee is non-refundable.
Student who do not wish to appeal but would like to seek additional feedback on their academic performance, will have to fill up an Appeals / Feedback Examination Form. Student seeking feedback should fill up this form and submit them to their respective Programme Managers. Students are encouraged to seek additional feedback on their academic performance, and they should submit the request for feedback immediately upon receiving their confirmed results. The window for all feedback is the same as the appeals window, for a period of two weeks, from the date of the release of the final results. Any late requests or any request for feedback outside this window will not be processed.
There will be a fee of S$25.00 (exclusive of GST) payable, upon submission of a feedback. The fee is non-refundable.
All appeals and feedback will be highlighted to the Appeal Board. Students will know the outcome of their appeals or receive feedback on their performance, within 4 weeks from the submission of appeal/feedback form. A session will be arranged between the school and the student, to inform them of the outcome or to provide them with the feedback they requested.
Results of all course assessments and examinations, for ERCI’s Certificate and Advanced Diploma Programmes shall be finalised by ERCI’s Examination Board. Final Result List will be posted on the notice boards in the campus within 3 - 4 weeks after the date of the examinations. Emails will be sent to students when the results have been posted. Participants should not solicit any information before the release date from their lecturers or any ERC Institute staff. The Institute will also not release any examination results over the phone.
Certificate & Transcript
The official certificate and transcript will be issued by ERCI upon the completion of the Certificate and Advanced Diploma Programmes. The turnaround time is approximately 2 months. Please note that the certificate and transcript will be withheld if participants have any outstanding fees with ERCI. The certificate and transcript will be sent for processing upon receiving the Request for Certificate form.
ERC Institute is committed to providing efficient channels for students to provide feedback or/and to seek resolution for any disputes or grievances in a systematic and impartial manner.
A feedback/complaint may arise from any aspect of the student’s educational experience which they believe to be unwarranted, unreasonable or irrational. This includes unsatisfactory services such as abrupt changes to schedule, delays in assessment results/awarding certificates and poor teaching quality.
Students will have to take note that the University or ERC Institute policies and procedures will take precedence over the dispute resolution process in relation to matters pertaining to student discipline and academic disagreements.
Click here for the Dispute Resolution Policy
Please refer to the following steps which would assist you in the course of provision of feedback and if need be, the resolution of disputes and/or grievances.
The entire process should not take more than 21 working days.
Step 1
Students may provide feedback via the following channels:
Step 2
In the event that the resolution offered to you is unsatisfactory, you will be given the choice to escalate the disputed issue to the Head of Department (HOD). The HOD, together with the QA Department, will investigate your dispute and provide you with a resolution within 3 days from the date of appeal to HOD |
Step 3
At this point, all disputes and grievances should be resolved within the school and the student. In the unlikely case that mutual agreement cannot be reached, the student may file an appeal to ERCi Senior Management who will approach the issue from an independent perspective. A final resolution will be offered within 7 days from the date of appeal to management. |
Step 4
In the event that the student or ERC Institute is unable to resolve the dispute in congeniality, either party may refer the dispute to the CPE Student Services Centre. According to the CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme, parties to a dispute will be referred first for mediation at the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC). If the dispute is not resolved through mediation, the dispute will be referred for arbitration by an arbitrator appointed by the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb). |
Significant efforts will be placed in seeking a solution for your disputes or grievances. At ERCi, we care to make a difference.
Course Transfer & Course Withdrawal Policy and Procedure
a. Please click here for course transfer and withdrawal policy
b. Please click here for course transfer procedure
c. Please click here for course withdrawal procedure
Refund Policy & Procedure
a. Please click here for refund policy
b. Please click here for refund procedure
Course Deferment Policy & Procedure
a. Please click here for course deferment policy
b. Please click here for course deferment procedure