Business Seminars
![]() | 90-Minute MBA: 5 KEY DIGITAL AND BLOCKCHAIN INITIATIVESJoin our power MBA session to understand the top 5 Digital and Blockchain initiatives in Business. Learn and generate ideas how to effectively use latest Blockchain technology and apply it to strategic considerations for your business optimisation.
RSVP at registernow@erci.edu.sg today! | |
![]() | 60 Minutes MBA: BLUE OCEAN STRATEGYParticipants will have hands-on practical work to exercise their strategic thinking using Blue Ocean Strategy.
RSVP today! http://register.erci.edu.sg/mba/ | |
![]() | BIGTALENT SEMINAR SERIES – MAKING GOOD PEOPLE GREAT LEADERSSpeaker’s Profile Summary This seminar highlights key areas:
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![]() | Guest Speak in Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel & Tourism ManagementRandahl Koh was recently invited to guest speak in Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel & Tourism Management "Professor for a Day" series on 24th October 2017. This university is one of the top tourism & hospitality schools in the world where Randahl shared his experiences on Singapore’s Integrated Resorts (IRs) development to 120 final year students in Resort and Spa Hotel Management for their Bachelor (Hons) Hotel Management Programme at Hotel Icon. Touching on his experience from Resorts World Sentosa (RWS), one of the two IRs, Randahl shared how both RWS and Marina Bay Sands (MBS) have transformed Singapore's skyline and the global gaming landscape since their launch. With his recent stint in the 2017 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix in September as a Paddock Club Lifestyle Manager, he further shared on how mega-sporting events can impact the IRs and hotels positively, and how it can potentially increase tourism receipts and tourist footfall into Singapore. A day prior to his lecturer to University of Hong Kong, Randahl was also invited to guest lecture on "Crime, Tourism and Gaming in Singapore" to their Bachelor (Hons) students in Tourism Management. The interesting findings to the gaming and casino crime activities in Singapore provided the Hong Kong students with new tourism knowledge and insights from a Singaporean perspective - gearing them on international learnings as they prepare to enter the work life.
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![]() | CORPORATE TRAINING AT OCBCThe one-day workshop is conducted as part of OCBC Bank's annual learning week-the theme in 2017 is learning the Sun Zi Art of War classical military strategies. Sun Zi Art of War is a 2500-year-old ( 553 to 221 BC) Chinese Military Strategic concept written by Sun Zi, a Qi native who was widely regarded as the founder of the ART of WAR. The text (only 600 Chinese characters) was written around 500BC. Appointed the Supreme Commander of Wu armies by Prince Wu He Lu who was impressed with him and over 20 years his advice had won battle over Qi, Qin and Yue States till his death. The first part of the workshop involved training business unit managers on how to use relevant Art of War strategic concepts can be adapted to modern business management to accelerate their businesses, managers learn concepts to understand business environment better, positioning of products, training staff to increase competency to gain business victory. The second part involved training sales and front liners to increase profitable sales where the executives (sales warriors) are trained to understand if they have right sales attitude to fight business wars for customers acquiring. “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” | |
![]() | BIGTALENT SEMINAR SERIES – POWER OF SELF-BRANDINGSpeaker’s Profile Summary Attend this seminar to learn how successful people leverage on higher education to increase self-branding equity for career and business advancement.
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![]() | ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR NEXT PROMOTION?Speakers’ Profile Summary